How Green Is Your Lawn?

Habitat loss, carbon emissions, groundwater and stormwater pollutants, and decreased biodiversity are all by-products of traditional landscaping. We’re Red Clay Green Thumb, an evidence-based landscaping company in Decatur, GA. We specialize in tending native species, removing invasive species, and transforming yards into certified wildlife habitats. We offer battery-powered lawn services, native plant sales and installation, invasive species removal, and more.

Evidence-based services

Want to reduce your carbon footprint, restore critical habitat, and spare your neighbors the scourge of gas blowers? We guarantee that switching from traditional landscaping to our evidence-based practices will result in increased biodiversity, decreased carbon emissions, and a clean conscience.

Clean. Quiet. Conscientious.

Make your yard a carbon sink, reduce emissions, and spare your neighbors from gas-powered noise pollution

Chemical-free, habitat-first maintenance

Keep invasive species out of your garden or take the next step to maintain a certified wildlife habitat.

Invite pollinators to your garden with native plants, reclaim your yard from invasive species, get the most out of your shrubs, protect your neighborhood birds, and much more!

Restoring critical habitat, one landscape at a time

Traditional landscaping practices don’t just pollute, they destroy the habitats in your yard. Monarch butterflies, along with countless other species of flora and fauna, need our help. They cannot continue to lose habitat at this rate and survive. Fortunately, simple choices in our own landscapes can restore these critical habitats.

Here’s what we do differently:

IDENTIFY the natural habitats on your property and which existing elements benefit (like native plants) or harm (like invasive species) these habitats; 

RESTORE the natural habitats on your property to support native life cycles and sink carbon; and

TEND your property using evidence-based practices to protect wildlife, reduce carbon emissions and noise pollution, and eliminate groundwater and stormwater pollution.

Ready to trust the evidence?

Interested in our services? Please use this form to contact us, and we’ll reach out for some basic info and to schedule an estimate or consultation.